Friday, May 18, 2007

Kawaii so???

On Wednesday, after a few good rounds of badminton with some of the Town Office and Board of Education staff, Dave and I went at this new place near my aparto for dinner. I remembered having seen the owner busy working on the decore of the place on one of my walks to the Churaumi Aquarium sometime before. And I remember having thought, "Oh! I wish I could go and ask if he needs free help!" ( You know my hands itch for arts and crafts!) Anyhow, this place has one the best decore, it is simple and everything reminds one of the ocean. There is a boat on the ceiling and various shells adorn the place. Also, the walls are essentially bare concrete and have the occasional etching as sole decorations. One of the etching is the Motobu Peninsular and surrounding islands. Unfortunately I left my camera at home....

So we go to this place, even though we had been there once before and the lady had flatly refused that there was nothing vegetarian nor could she alter something or make something different. But Dave had been there afterwards by himself, and he said they completely revamped the menu (False!) He had met this other older lady working there who was very friendly and so we decided to take a chance since everywhere it would be the same situation for me.

This kind old lady was overly friendly, bursting into peals of laughter, slapping Dave on the back when he couldn't pronounce some Japanese word. And she was quite loud and jovial in the manner of Kazuko sensei. Anyhow, after understanding fully (doubtful!!) that I didn't eat any meat or fish, she squealed "kawaii so!!!" (Meaning 'how sad' in a pitiful tone.) Now, I really don't think there is anything kawai so-ish in being vegetarian! But I just laughed it off.

Also, today I met some students for the first time at Motobu Junior High School. They are 1st years, and of course after a quick introduction, the inevitable question came up in the Q&A session: "Do you have a boyfriend?" to which I replied, "No." as if it any of their business! and guess what? the boy says back to me "kawaii so!" The gall! :) So I asked him, "Do you have a girlfriend?" to which he shook his head, "No." and I retorted back "kawaii so!" The class laughed, and the poor boy blushed deep red! Now that was the most kawaii so part!

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