Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nana Ramen!!

A wrong turn on the road lead to decisions
that took me to a Ramen Shop in Nago
yesterday, where a special vegetables only
Ramen is served. One can't imagine my
excitement when Liz told me of this. I am
thrilled! It is named after a movie or
characters in a movie, whose heroine/s
(Nana) is/are vegan or vegetarian.
(Sorry for all the 'ors' and being so vague,
I am not quite certain of the background
of this phenomena). What I am most
certain about is that shows
that vegetarianism is starting as a
trendy, fashionable thing in Japan.
And even though it will not catch on and
surge like a tsunami wave across the
country, (Japanese food will cease to exist
if that happens!!), yet it is certainly
promising to think that people here
will not be ignorant of and horrified
by the concept of vegetarianism. :)

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