Monday, July 23, 2007

MotoChu Sobetsukai

A farewell party I shall never forget...

It was held in Nakijin at a country club sort of place where some of the teachers came earlier to play tennis and then we had an otsukaresama bbq. It was combined with a farewell for Dave and I. I dont know how to describe it... maybe thats why I have been procrastinating, apart from the legitamate reason that I have had no moments rest to sit down n write about it.

I hadn't known that it was a casual chilled-out affair, and I came slightly over dressed for the occassion. Well, that wasn't a big deal anyway (Thank god I didnt wear a sari). I wondered whether it would turn out the same way as regular parties: i.e. boring speaches as people were getting drunk and I not getting anything to eat (not that I am complaining..) I was wrong in wondering that because I had a great time. I got many things to eat, and great conversations with teachers. Plus I spoke to Sawako san on the phone and finally fixed a day to meet. She turned out to be a big help for Ishigaki.. more of that on the blog post on Ishigaki....


There were many endless otsukare speaches that finally came to a halt. Then it was david and my turn to give speaches. Dave made me go first translating for me. He was drunk by tht time so I mistrusted his translation, but akemi sensei said that he was doing well.

I hadnt prepared any speach, but spoke from my heart. I talked about how it had been difficult for me at MotoChu, and how things had drastically improved this year. That I finally felt comfortable n helpful and was enjoying being part of the school, helping with the story contest and all. I felt I finally had a purpose. (Its so strange that the situation at KamiChu and MotoChu got interchanged this new session.) I talked about how the staff at MC was most kind and eating kyuushoku with them was always enjoyable. I always felt warmly welcomed by the staff (not that at othr schools I felt like trash!! But it was always easy and stress free with them At here the teachers made up for the kids behaviour last year). I told them how I wish I wasn't leaving now when it became so much better. and I ended by saying thanks for the great times...

Dave's turn came and he did a weird speech in which his passion and crescendo increased with each person he thanked. I was embarrassed at his drunken offensiveness!! For example, to the science teacher, one of the senior teachers, he says "I have no idea what you are here for but thank you!!" But Megumi sensei (a darling person) started crying and looking at her, I too had to... how would I not? once the dam was broken... it came pouring down.

Then they brought out a gift for Dave. It was a Jimbei with slippers, fan and headband saying Nihon in kanji. They made him put it on over his clothes. It was funny seeing drunk Takemi sensei helping a drunk Dave put a jimbei on over his clothers...

Then came my turn. I totally felt like a didnt deserve anything, but that their love was enough. They got me a yukatta with geta, fan and obi. Its so beautiful and I totally felt overwhelmed that they would something so extravagant and yet so... touching. They made me put it over my clothes and we posed for pictures

The most touching part was Takemi sensei's speech. Whatever he said calmed my worries and doubts and hurt Moika had caused. he said that he known I was having a rough time in the beginning and that the kids don't know how lucky they are and that is was a rare opportunity for them to meet someone from India... they will remember me when they will have grown up. he said he felt sorry that he didnt recruit me beforehand for helping with the story contest., His words were really encouraging. He was quite intoxicated by that time and had some difficulty focusing on constructing whole sentences in english! But those words came from the heart. I became so emotional! Gosh! its cruel... leaving...

But on a brighter note.. Here's the team Eigo - Natsuko sensei, me, Akemi sensei, David and Takemi sensei !!

1 comment:

vandana said...

I am vandana coming to okinawa in sep.Its nice to see the pics in your blog.R u in okinawa currently?
